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A Bible opened to the book of Romans.
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(File photo)

The ongoing COVID-19 pandemic has made for a difficult 15 months for people around the world. In the midst of darkness and uncertainty, however, people are turning to the light.

While there was previously a decline in readership of the Bible, the American Bible Soceity says more than 181 million Americans have opened the book in the past year, Mission Network News reports.

"People were clinging to God's Word because that was the important thing; that's what (gave) them comfort" says Greg Yoder from Keys for Kids Ministries.

"People aren't throwing their Bibles away (during) the pandemic; they're digging into them, and that's a good thing."

Yoder says more individuals and families turned to his ministry for a deeper read of God's Word last spring, measured as an increase of nearly 300 per cent between April, May, and June (2020).

Keys for Kids Ministries provides Christian devotionals and other Bible-based resources for teens and kids under 12.

"Jesus never said 'just believe'; He said, 'come and follow me,'" Yoder says. "To follow Him, we have to know who He is. To know who He is, we have to read His word."
