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Call it a happy accident.

“It’s a funny story,” explains Tyrone Krawetz. “I wasn’t actually looking for a job when I joined Christianson TDS.”

Krawetz was enjoying his busy law practice in Thompson Manitoba. Krawetz met Christianson TDS managing partner Bjorn Christianson for coffee during a visit to Portage la Prairie.

“We were just going to meet and catch up,” says Krawetz. “He’d done some digging into the work I was doing in the north, and so when I met him for coffee it came along with a job offer.”

After taking a bit of time to think it over, Krawetz and his family decided it was an opportunity to “come back home.”

Krawetz knew since high school he wanted to be a lawyer, he’d left Portage after high school to pursue his studies in Winnipeg. He excelled and was awarded The University of Winnipeg’s Gold Medal. After law school, he moved North because he was told by several in the legal community it was especially challenging. What followed was an eight-year practice in Thompson, Manitoba, during which time he served as President of the Northern Bar (lawyers) Association, and Vice President of the Thompson Community Foundation. He also gained valuable, broad experience across the breadth of his profession.

“I worked on all sorts of cases,” he says. “There’s really nothing I haven’t handled. My passion however is in the courtroom, its where I do my best work.”

Back in Portage, Krawetz works primarily in criminal defense and civil litigation, although he has experience assisting clients with wills, estates and domestic litigation as well. He also points out that clients should err on the side of caution when it comes to seeking legal advice.

“You should reach out as soon as you think there might be a problem, and that goes for anything – not just criminal defense,” he says. “It’s important to call a lawyer as soon as you think there might be a problem, because I often have clients in my office who’ve procrastinated in calling one.”

Instead of letting a potential problem get worse, he explains, a lot of problems can be prevented or minimized by simply having the impulse to connect with a lawyer. It starts by calling to book a consultation. The cost on the front end often prevents very costly mistakes later on.

“Very often we can solve the problem within the consultation,” he says. “If it’s a bigger issue, then we can provide options on how best to solve it.”

Being from Portage, Krawetz also has a built-in advantage when it comes to understanding the legal landscape of the region. But on a personal level, he’s simply happy to be back home.

“We’re really glad to be back,” he says. “Portage called us back.”

Bjorn (Barney) Christianson, Managing Partner of Christianson TDS outlines that criminal defense was a gap in Christianson TDS’s (CTDS) ability to meet clients’ needs. CTDS also identified a strong need for a local criminal defence lawyer and knew that the local market requires someone with experience and a strong track record of success. Barney knew that Tyrone had an outstanding reputation and grew up here, making him the perfect fit for the firm and the community. “We have no doubt Tyrone will add significant value to our firm and to the communities we service, including Portage la Prairie, Neepawa, Gladstone, and MacGregor. If members of our communities find themselves in a difficult situation, they should contact our firm immediately.”.

Krawetz can be reached for consultations by calling (204) 857-7851. Prospective clients can also find more information by visiting the Christianson TDS website.


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