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Hanukkiah (Robert Thiemann/Unsplash)
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Candles in a Hanukkiah are lit each night of the eight-night Hanukkah holiday. (Robert Thiemann/Unsplash)

Israeli troops continue to press into areas of northern and southern Gaza, targeting Hamas terrorists. The IDF last week said Hamas fired rockets into Israel from near designated civilian safe zones and shelters close to Rafah.

Meanwhile, in Israel, Hanukkah continues through this week amidst two months of war.

Pastor Israel Pochtar with Beit Hallel Congregation in Ashdod says church volunteers are delivering aid to Israelis living in bomb shelters in the south. But even bringing aid to these areas is risky.

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(Photo courtesy of Beit Hallel Congregation)

“We buy food and we have them in food packages for Holocaust survivors, single mothers, or mothers who have been stuck home and cannot even go to the grocery stores to buy groceries because they have little kids…. It is dangerous. Rockets are coming down and exploding,” Pochtar says.

“For some who cannot come [to pick up food], we go into houses and apartments and deliver them. We’re also going to bomb shelters in the city of Ashkelon because people during the war live in the bomb shelters…. So we need to get bulletproof vests and helmets because it’s a dangerous place, but we did it.”

Pochtar says, “Many times, I will get a phone call or email from people I don’t know who just heard about us and want to do something for Israel through the local Church.

“They want to not just give and help Israel, but they want to be sure the testimony is there, the message of Jesus there. That’s what we’re able to do.”

Praise God for Gospel opportunities reaching Jews, Arabs, and even refugees from other countries.

“It is amazing to see how God is using our church and all the volunteers we have,” Pochtar says. “We’ve been able to help thousands and thousands of people, and all of it in the name of Jesus and the message about Christians. It’s from Christians, they stand with you, they love you. That’s it.”

The Lord is doing something in Israel and across the Middle East. Pray for even more people to have their eyes opened to salvation in Jesus Christ this Christmas.


This story originally appeared at Mission Network News and is republished here with permission.
