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For years, Christians have argued, debated, and fought one another while "speaking the truth in love," yet we are no closer to the grace-filled life Jesus modelled, that's according to bIblical scholar and popular podcast host, Jared Byas.

"A biblically-based Christian life is not grounded in having all the answers but in a loving relationship," Byas explains. "This ultimately shifts our focus from collecting the "right" answers to loving others deeply and authentically."

Jared unpacks the concept of truth, its meaning, and why we so often fight over it in his book, Love Matters More: How Fighting to Be Right Keeps Us from Loving Like Jesus.

Today on Connections, Jared casts a new vision for the Christian life that's built not on needing to be right about the Bible, but on loving people well even when we disagree with them. 
