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Table decorations for Pat Porter

This is it- the reason you held onto your gogo boots for decades. The opportunity you’ve been waiting for to pull out your beloved tasseled vest. And yes, you CAN still rock that flowy floral dress you’ve had since before the kids were born.  

At the very least, it’s a chance to wear huge sunglasses indoors.  

The Pat Porter Active Living Centre hosts their Annual Fundraiser on Wednesday, March 6, 2024, featuring The Very Groovy Things Band. Executive Director Audrey Harder invites everyone to don their 60s and 70s best and join them for an evening of music, good food, dancing, and prizes.  

“We’re encouraging everybody to come dressed up. In bell bottoms, if you still have them. If you don’t,” Harder laughs, “you can buy them still. Tie dye, accessories, whatever you can. There’ll be a Best Costume award, too, as well as a 50/50, a cash bar, a raffle, and a silent auction.”  

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The evening’s dinner menu includes rotisserie pork loin, pork stuffing, Caesar salad, scalloped potatoes with pancetta, and garlic buttered green beans. For dessert is a lovely lemon cheesecake with blueberries, and the team has even whipped up some special themed cocktails.  

“It’ll be really fantastic to have a meal together, fellowship together.” Harder continues. “After dinner, The Very Groovy Things Band will perform, and we’re all looking forward to that.”  

A lot of time and energy has been put into every facet of this event in hopes of showing attendants and the community at large how much their support means to the staff and members of the Pat Porter Active Living Centre.  

“All contributions are so appreciated,” Harder says gratefully. “Everything that you do for us helps us out.”  

Harder stresses that this event isn’t only for members, but for anyone and everyone. As a non-profit organization, Southern Health- Santé Sud only covers 22% of Pat Porter expenses. At the core, this event is a fundraiser, where Harder hopes they’ll collect enough to keep programs running for the remainder of 2024.  

“The fundraiser is just for programming,” Harder clarifies. “As for the upcoming building expansion, we’re still waiting on grants. But if you’d rather donate towards the building instead of programming, you can absolutely do that!”  

Donations in support of the Pat Porter Active Living Centre can be made at any time here. Businesses are also invited to sponsor the event- call Audrey Harder at the PPALC for details.  

The Pat Porter Active Living Centre’s Annual Fundraiser featuring The Very Groovy Things Band happens March 6, 2024. Individual tickets are $60.00 with a $40.00 tax receipt, or come with friends and get a table of eight for $500.00. Doors open at 5:00pm, with dinner at 6:00pm, followed by music at 7:30pm. 

“So what time does the party end? Whenever we all leave!” 

For more information or to buy tickets, visit www.patporterALC.com, stop by 10 Chrysler Gate in Steinbach, or call 204-320-4600. 

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Author Alias