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First time author, Betty Sawatzky
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First-time author, Betty Sawatzky.

"I went back into my own life and I recognized how my heavenly Father has pursued me at every turn when I chose to turn away," says author Betty Sawatzky. "That for me was the greatest revelation when I was writing this book."

Sawatzky's first published work is titled I am the Prodigal, I am the Eldest

"This book speaks to the parable that Jesus spoke to the Sadducees and Pharisees. The point was that they were very judgemental to those that were not following the law. I went deeper into the culture, the traditions of the people at that time. In that, you see there's a much deeper story."

Sawatzky, from Killarney, Man., shares that what drew her to fictionalize this particular parable from the New Testament is that it's part of her own story. 

"I was a born-again believer as a young teenager and I got myself into things I shouldn't have. At the same time, I am that mother who has had a prodigal daughter. So I come at it from that side."

Sawatzky says she is in the midst of writing her second book to follow I am the Prodigal, I am the Eldest
