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Jeannie Cunnion, a pastor’s kid and life-long Jesus follower who became a Christian at the age of eight, found herself knee-deep in questions such as: Do I really rely on the power of God’s Spirit inside me or am I trying to do life in my own strength? How can I experience more of His presence? Why do I keep struggling with things I’ve been set free from? These questions led her to discover more about the Holy Spirit and become fully reliant on Him for the answers.

In her new book Don’t Miss Out: Daring to Believe Life Is Better with the Holy Spirit, Cunnion takes readers on her journey to rediscover God’s love through a better understanding of the Holy Spirit, unveiling 30 little-known benefits of being in relationship with God’s divine presence.

"The extent to which we are willing to engage with the Spirit of God is the extent to which we will encounter the fullness of God,” writes Cunnion. “So, if you are willing to get really honest with yourself—and with God—about those things that are keeping you from enjoying His indwelling presence, experiencing His power, and exercising the gifts He’s given you, you can’t imagine what’s coming! It won’t always be easy but it will be so worth it.”

On her journey to discovering and engaging with the Holy Spirit, Cunnion realized that she, too, had unintentionally been neglecting Him in her day-to-day life. She didn’t know much about who He was, what He did, or why He mattered. What she discovered not only changed her life, it changed her relationship with God: she went from functioning in her own power to accepting His invitation to live freely in His. “I want each of us to know this in our bones: Jesus’ life set us free and the Spirit’s power keeps us free!”

Today on Connections, Jeannie shares her own personal journey in building a relationship with the Holy Spirit and how you can do the same.
