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Tune in to Classic 107 this long weekend to hear some very special programming as we mark Good Friday, Holy Saturday and Easter Sunday.

Good Friday

On Friday March 29th you will hear a true masterpiece by J.S. Bach, his St. Matthew Passion.

Written in 1727 for Good Friday service at St. Thomas Church in Leipzig, the St. Matthew Passion makes use of Matthew’s account of Jesus’ crucifixion from Chapters 26 and 27 of the book of Mathew.

The Passion is in two parts. The first part tells the story of the last, super, Jesus' betrayal by Judas in the Garden of Gethsemane, and his expected arrest.

With part two, the music becomes more somber and darker. It signals the inevitability of Jesus’ fate. It depicts the trial, the crucifixion and the burial of Jesus. The Passion ends with the darkly textured chorus singing “in tears of grief.” Bach purposely wanted to leave the congregation in a sorrowful mood, knowing that they would be back in a couple of days to rejoice in Christ’s resurrection.

Tune in at 9am on Good Friday to hear part 1 of the St. Matthew Passion. Part two will be heard at 7pm.

The recording you will hear is largely considered the benchmark recording of this masterwork. It will be performed by The English Baroque Soloists and Monteverdi Choir all led by John Elliot Gardner.

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At 1pm on Good Friday tune in to hear, Haydn’s Seven last words of Christ on the Cross.

Quite possibly the most well-known setting of the Seven Last Words, Haydn’s setting was commissioned for Good Friday for the Oratorio de la Santa Gueva in Cadiz, Spain. The work was subsequently performed in Rome, Berlin, and Vienna, Haydn later adapted the work for string quartet and there is also a version for solo piano.

The Seven Last Words are set to music in seven sections. Each of the sections Haydn titled Sonatas. The seven sonatas are framed by an Introduction section and a final Earthquake section. It is the final section that Haydn has the orchestra play fortississimo. (fff)  It is the only time he asks for this marking in the piece. The majority of the work has a consolatory quality to it.

The recording you will hear will be the legendary recording made by The Concentus Musicus Wien and Arnold Schoenberg Choir with Nikolaus Harnoncourt conducting.

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Holy Saturday

Starting at 8am on Saturday, Morning Blend host Terry Klippenstein will be showcasing some choice selections from Alexander Grechaninov’s rich, supremely gorgeous choral work Passion Week.

Written in 1911 or 1912 the work closely follows the sequence of Holy Week in the Orthodox Church. In 13 sections The Seven Days of the Passion is a milestone in history of Russian Choral music. It very easily stands next to the All Night Vespers of Rachmaninov as a glorious, rich and supremely beautiful example of music from the Slavic tradition….simply stunning!

The recording that will be heard is Phoenix Bach Choir and Kansas City Chorale under the direction of Charles Bruffy. This collaboration won a Grammy for their recording of the Rachmaninov All Nigh Vespers.

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Then at 9am Terry Klippenstein will be putting to air Beethoven’s Oratorio Christ on the Mount of Olives.

Written in just a few weeks in 1803, the oratorio portrays the emotional turmoil of Jesus in the Garden Of Gathsemane prior to his crucifixion.

The recording you will hear will be a remarkable live recoding that was made in 2020 at the Barbican Hall with the London Symphony Orchestra and chorus under the direction of Sir Simon Rattle.

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Easter Sunday

Tune in to White Light on Sunday Morning and hear Easter from around the world.

Stating at 6am, host Simeon Rusnak will be highlighting Ukrainian choral works performed by the remarkable Kyiv Chamber Choir.

Then at 7am Simeon will be transporting listeners back to early 17th century Venice when he puts to air A Venetian Easter Mass.

Put together by The Gabrieli Consort and Players under the direction of Paul McCreesh, this recording presents a Mass as it might have been heard on Easter Morning in 1600 Venice. Featuring the glorious music of Andrea and Giovanni Gabrieli, Claudio Merulo, and Orland de Lassus, this is musical time machine that will make you crave the sights, sounds and aromas of Venice.

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Rounding off Easter Sunday Morning at 10am there will be a presentation of Bach’s Magnificent Easter Oratorio.

Composed for 1725 Easter Sunday service in Leipzig this music is festively scored for three trumpets, timpani, two oboe, oboe d’amore, bassoon, flute, violins, viola and continuo.

Unlike the St. Matthew Passion that makes use of a evangelist who serves as a quasi-narrator for the story..  The oratorio makes use of just four characters, Simon Peter, (tenor) John the Apostle, (bass) Mary Magdalene, (alto) and Mary Jacobe. (soprano)

The Oratorio tells the story of the characters hurrying to Jesus’ grave only to find it empty.

The recording you will hear will feature th outstanding English Baroque Soloists under the direction of John Elliot Gardner.

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Settle in over the long weekend, sit back, put your feet up; and let Classic 107 be your guide to a musically satisfying Easter.

Happy Easter to all of our listeners!!

