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The Manitoba Band Association is a non-profit charitable organization which fosters, promotes and encourages the establishment, growth and development of bands and band activity in the province. 

And they are doing it under the guidance of a new executive director.  

Brent Johnson officially stepped into the role on Monday, April 15 and began his day with an interview on Winnipeg’s Classic 107.  

“I haven’t even logged into my email yet,” says Johnson with a laugh when asked how the job has been going thus far.  

His long association with the Manitoba Band Association and broader involvement in the music and arts management communities here in the province make Johnson well-suited to the role.  

“It’s an organization that has meant a lot to me for a long time,” he says. “It’s the community that created me, essentially. As a young musician, as a music educator and, later on, as an arts administrator.” 

He hits the ground running, as bands from across southern Manitoba make their way to the Level One Festival (April 17-19) in Winnipeg, before the Brandon instalment next week.  

Watch the full conversation to hear more about Johnson’s own involvement within the band community, his vision for the MBA, and, to learn more about the challenges facing the organization.  



Visit: www.mbband.org for even more information and details! 
