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“Boosting economic growth and prosperity for the community helps elevate the quality of life for us all.” 

This from Eve O'Leary, Director of Economic Development with Portage Regional Economic Development (PRED). 

Formed in 2013, PRED is a not-for-profit economic development agency that manages economic development and tourism services for both the City and RM of Portage la Prairie.  

“Our mission is to foster an environment that’s attractive to investment and growth for the region,” explains O’Leary. “This includes liaising with investors from concept through approval, and providing ongoing support throughout the life of that investment.”  

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O'Leary says they are here to help any way they can.

PRED serves businesses looking to expand, or who need help navigating the complexity of running a business and provides an economic development lens to local community organizations.  

“We also serve those wanting to open a new business, do residential development, or attract large industries which provide job opportunities for our whole community,” O’Leary says. 

A large piece of what PRED does, is data driven.  

“We collect, compile, and analyze regional data and provide quick turnaround on data requests for those wanting to make an investment or business decision,” shares O’Leary. “PRED provides updated local market data, demographics, and regulations so business entities can make informed investment decisions.” 

PRED also visits businesses across the region to ensure they have a full understanding of local issues, challenges, and concerns. This allows PRED to keep stakeholders up to date on economic indicators, community profiles, and the impact of development projects.  

“Overall, PRED promotes our region as being open to business, being an environment where businesses can flourish, and a community where an elevated quality of life is attainable.” 

O’Leary shares that there are many ways local businesses can benefit from working with PRED.  

“We offer a customized support tool to help businesses navigate challenges, access funding for expansion plans, provincial or federal programming, and succession planning.” 

PRED also provides promotion and marketing campaigns that raise visibility, attract new investors to the region, and generate economic benefits for local businesses. 

“To create an environment that’s investment friendly, we facilitate partnerships and collaborations with local community organizations, municipalities, provincial and federal governments – for mutual growth and success.” 

O’Leary says that PRED supports businesses that want to expand or grow their business by providing the following services. 

Business Navigation: ongoing support and resources to help existing businesses thrive and expand.  

Data Services: detailed market data, demographics, and industry trends so businesses can make informed decisions.  

“Our customized research and analysis support strategic planning and business development. Plus, we offer fast data requests for businesses making investment decisions.” 

Business Retention and Expansion: ongoing support and resources to help existing businesses thrive and expand. 

Site Selection: access to information on available properties, development opportunities, and help finding suitable locations for business operations or expansion. 

Regulation Navigation: help understanding tax incentives and navigating economic development programs through all levels of government. 

Workforce Development: collaborate with educational institutions and workforce agencies to meet businesses' specific workforce needs.  

Economic Development Lens: assessing the economic impact of business expansions and new investments, evaluating their risks and benefits.  

“Our data-driven insights demonstrate businesses' value to the local economy and community.” 

Overall, PRED exists to see Portage thrive as a region of investment choice.  

“We’re here to ensure our regional economic drivers become sustainable and have a beneficial impact on the whole community – so we can see our local economy grow,” says O’Leary. 

To learn more about living, working, and playing in Portage la Prairie, please reach out to PRED. Visit 800 Saskatchewan Avenue West, email eoleary@investinportage.ca, call (204) 856-5000, or visit www.investinportage.ca

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The Poplar Bluff Industrial Part west of Portage in its its early stages of development.


Author Alias