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Young putters enjoy mini-golf at La Broquerie Golf
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Young putters enjoy mini-golf at La Broquerie Golf

Everyone knows that golf season has officially opened, but it’s also mini golf and ice cream season at La Broquerie Golf!

Manager Pat Gauthier explains that mini golf is fairly new for them.

“Last year was our first full year of mini golf. Everyone can enjoy it – from the young, all the way to the young-at-heart. It's good easy fun for everybody.”

Gauthier and his team felt the town needed something more to do than baseball and golf – that’s when they decided to put in a mini golf course at La Broquerie Golf.

“We said, you know what? Let's build it and people will come!”

Sure enough, people have realized that La Broquerie Golf is home to an excellent new mini golf course, and being so close to Steinbach, it’s a nice convenient drive out.

It’s nice for golfers as well, who can now take their kids to the course with them.

“I started bringing my kids here for them to practice putting,” shares Gauthier. “Putting is the most important thing, so why not hit the mini golf, get the feel of how to putt a ball, and then from there our kids started looking at the course asking to golf for real!”

The mini golf course has proven popular with groups looking for year-end windup activities too, he says.

“You can always bring your team here – either hockey, baseball, soccer, or any teams that aren’t sure what to do for year-end can give me a call for special group rates. Schools and seniors have also had outings here. It can be just mini golf, or they can get some food or ice cream in there as well.”

Speaking of food and ice cream, Putter’s Grill is the restaurant in the La Broquerie Golf clubhouse.

“It’s getting to be known as the home of the poutine,” notes Gauthier. “We have 25 different kinds of poutine on the menu, from your classic poutine, all the way to the Meat Extravaganza, The Firehouse, The Mennonite – all kinds of different poutines, small or large, depending on how hungry you are.”

Putter’s Grill also serves soft ice cream and ten different flavours of hard ice cream.

Of course, the main attraction is their beautiful golf course, which offers an array of challenges for every age and ability.

Whether you’re talking about their brand-new mini golf, ice cream and poutine at Putter’s, or the full golf course experience complete with golf cart, Gauthier has one main message for everyone:

“We are open and ready to go!”

To learn more about La Broquerie Golf or to see the menu for Putter’s Grill, visit their website.

Author Alias