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Looking for a fun way to celebrate Father’s Day this year? The Museum invites everyone to join in for a day filled with laughter and dad jokes that will make everyone groan and giggle.

The special Father’s Day event features a dad jokes scavenger hunt that will take participants all around the museum. Attendees can hunt for the punchlines to punny setups and enjoy the delightful exhibits along the way. It’s the perfect blend of humor and history that will entertain the whole family.

But that’s not all! All completed scavenger hunts will be entered into a draw for a chance to win a $50.00 gift card from Peavey Mart, generously sponsored by the Friends of the Museum and Gallery.

As always, admission is free, and everyone is welcome. Visitors are encouraged to bring their dads, granddads, or any dad they know to share the joy of cheesy jokes and family fun at the museum this Father’s Day!
