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Shearon Pearson Epps comes from a large family of 18 siblings. Although growing up constantly surrounded by family, she always felt she was alone.

Her mother raised her in the church, but she never felt a part of the church. Later, when her older cousin started a church next door, she stumbled into a spiritual world she never knew existed. It was in this tiny, backwoods church where Shearon Epps found Jesus.

After a year of blissfulness, God decided it was time for her to mature in Him. Life became a challenge, church became a struggle, but through it all, her faith in God increased. She has used this faith to take her throughout life.

Who she is today is a combination of her rich experiences of growing up in humble beginnings and her hard work as a single mom who also solo parents her three grandkids. Never did she imagine she'd become an author.

Identified as a heart-changing fiction author, she has now written a pair of books, When God Makes Himself Known and Becoming Love.

Today on Connections she shares with us her amazing testimony and what led her to become a writer.
