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Staff at Pharmasave in Steinbach
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Staff at Pharmasave in Steinbach. (Left to right) Nichol, Natalia, Stephanie, Candace, Scott, Martha, Kelly, Rachelle
Absent: Colette

If it feels somewhat different to walk through the doors of Steinbach Pharmasave, it might be because so many faces are familiar. Or because the staff’s positive demeanor is a top-down dynamic. Or because a customer-first approach ensures each client is treated like a person, and not a number.

Or, maybe it’s a bit of everything.

“It’s a very customer-focused, very welcoming store, and our customers feel it,” says Nichol Hauck, a long-time local retail specialist who made the switch to Pharmasave. “We want our customers to feel welcomed, to be served well. And we want to know our customers, and for them to know they’re not just another number.”

Given the personnel behind the counter, it’s a disposition that comes naturally. Kelly Penner, for example, worked 16 years at the hospital pharmacy and was enjoying her full-time commitment as a bus driver when an opportunity at Pharmasave opened up.

“In December [Pharmasave franchise owner] Scott Penner approached me and asked if I’d consider coming over here,” she recalls. “I had worked with Scott when he was a student, so there was a bit of history there.”

She decided to take the chance on herself – something she jokes was more of a challenge given her age.

“It’s been a great change and just goes to show that you can do things even when you’re my age!”

Pharmasave customers will also recognize Martha Pauls from her nearly 20 years as a pharmacy assistant at Steinbach Sobeys. Looking to focus more on patient care, she made the move from another store this spring and is already enjoying the interaction with customers.

“You know, it was time for a change. I needed some personal growth, and to challenge myself,” she explains. “

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Pharmasave’s draw, both for customers and staff members, begins with its owner-operator, Scott Penner – though he’s quick to point out that nothing that happens with his business is a one-man show.

“This is truly a team effort, providing the kind of care that we do,” he says. “We all have the same philosophy of being the best go-to community pharmacy in our town.”

Pauls, for her part, already values Penner’s leadership.

“Scott is a great guy to work with,” she says. “He’s very understanding and he’s always looking out for us, making sure we have what we need. I think customers will appreciate the patient-friendly dynamic we have.”

Kelly Penner concurs, and emphasizes that it’s the people on both sides of the counter who make Steinbach Pharmasave a great place to work and to shop.

“We have awesome customers, and with our staff it’s like we’re working with friends,” she says. “It’s just a good environment. Every day feels like a good day.”

Pharmasave is located in the Victoria Plaza Mall, at Unit 10C, 20 Brandt St in Steinbach. With FREE delivery and open weekdays from 9:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m., Saturdays from 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. and Sundays from noon to 5:00 p.m., they can be reached by calling (204) 326-2334. Additional information, including flyers, are available on their website.

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Author Alias