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Eryn Eddy's story starts with gold spray paint and a few stencils.

Eddy was working as an art director for a very successful company while pursuing a music career in singing with the hope that she would empower others to live bold lives through her music. She wanted to create merchandise for her fans that would help them to get there and that's when she came up with the statement, So Worth Loving.

She spent hours sitting on her floor etching that statement onto tank tops and well-worn sweatshirts and t-shirts of people that she had never met. 

That statement reached further than she could ever have imagined. In the past few years, So Worth Loving has gone from a message on clothing to a full-blown lifestyle movement that is represented in all 50 states and 30 countries worldwide.

Earlier this year, Eddy released a book by that title, So Worth Loving: How Discovering Your True Value Changes Everything.

In this book, she takes readers by the hand and helps them look in, look up, and look out, exploring their relationship with themselves, God, and others. She helps readers to feel deeply and openly before God. And she lovingly reminds readers that they are not alone, and they will get through this.

"No matter your past mistakes, relationship status, career choice, or feelings, nothing can change the truth that you are so worth loving," says Eddy. 

Today on Connections, Erin talks about her book and the inspiration behind it. She also shares how one small statement is impacting hundreds upon thousands of people worldwide.
