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Maali, courtesy of Mission India.
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A little girl from India, Maali, brought the good news of Jesus to her family. (Photo courtesy of Mission India)

India is one of the least-reached places in the world with the Gospel. But an entire Indian family’s legacy can change when just one child learns about Jesus.

Maali is a little girl who recently began attending Mission India’s Children’s Bible Club. Regan Miller with Mission India says, there, "She learned how to pray to Jesus. That changed everything."

Maali’s mother had been struggling with her mental health and it was taking a toll on the family. Maali started praying to God with her mom, and her Bible Club leader even came to their home to pray with her.

"After that, there was a noticeable improvement in Maali’s mom, and they could tell she was healed and her well-being just changed."

Today, Maali’s mother and father are following Jesus and attending church together as a family!

Miller adds, "Not only did Maali’s faith reach up to her parents, Maali’s grandparents were so inspired that they’ve come to Christ as well.

"So three generations were changed by the love of Christ and three generations received salvation because this one child was reached by the Gospel in a Bible Club."

"We all know from personal experience that values that we were taught as children are carried on throughout our lives for better for worse, and so the values that we can carry on to the next generation will make an impact as well!"

Mission India is praising God for the gospel's impact through generations!

People that are interested in donating to Children’s Bible Clubs with Mission India can do so here.


This story originally appeared at Mission Network News and is republished here with permission.
