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In a heartfelt gesture of appreciation, a special delivery was made to the hardworking staff at the Humboldt Public Works Department. The scorching summer days can be relentless, especially for those whose job it is to keep our city running smoothly. To show gratitude and bring a little joy to their day, a variety of refreshing treats, generously provided by Humboldt Sobeys, were delivered.

The delivery was a result of a random nomination, highlighting the spirit of community and appreciation that thrives in Humboldt. You can nominate someone today! Click here to head to the nomination page

The Humboldt Public Works Department plays a vital role in maintaining our city's infrastructure, ensuring that roads are safe, water flows smoothly, and more. The treat delivery was a small token of appreciation for their efforts and dedication.

The atmosphere was filled with smiles and laughter as the treats were handed out. The Public Works staff were thrilled with the surprise, and the gesture was warmly received. It was a simple act of kindness that highlighted the community spirit and the importance of recognizing those who work behind the scenes to keep our city in top shape.

This treat delivery is a reminder of the importance of gratitude and togetherness within the community. It’s moments like these that strengthen the bonds within our city and show appreciation for those who make Humboldt a great place to live.

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