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Show us your summer week 8 winning photo

It's Wendy's Show Us Your Summer all summer long where you can win some great prizes all by sharing photos of what your summer looks like!

In the last round, we wanted to see photos of you and your favourite place to hang out.  Congratulations to Ginette who shared this photo of her kids playing in their backyard as that's their favourite place to spend time together! Ginette just won a LOT of golf!  A round of golf for 4 (plus golf carts) at Buffalo Point Resort, a golf prize pack, and a round of golf for 4, including carts at La Broquerie Golf Course from Homepage Properties!

Scroll to see some of the photos submitted and see some of southeast Manitoba's favourite places to hang out!  Learn more about the latest round of Wendy's Show Us Your Summer and what you could win right here.
