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Frank King, the former News Media Relations Manager of Samaritan's Purse Canada and Billy Graham Evangelistic Association of Canada.
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Frank King, the former News Media Relations Manager of Samaritan's Purse Canada and Billy Graham Evangelistic Association of Canada. (Supplied)

For 16 years Frank King worked with Samaritan's Purse Canada and the Billy Graham Evangelistic Association (BGEA) of Canada and now he's hanging up his hat.

King's latest role which he was in for eight years was the News Media Relations Manager, and now he's retiring. 

"It's been a joy and a pleasure to do this job," says King. "It's been a joy to deal with Christian media, particularly like CHVN, because you've been so supportive of not just Samaritan's Purse and the Billy Graham Association but supportive of what God is doing through these organizations."

One part of the ministry's job through their branch of Operation Christmas Child (OCC) is bringing packed boxes to children in developing countries around the world. King went on a distribution trip to El Salvador and that trip left a lasting memory. 

"It's amazing and wonderful to see their reactions when we open up these boxes. When I'm down there I like to go to the homes of these shoebox recipients. We arrived at this tin-roof shack with dirt floors and the walls between the rooms were just hanging sheets. I got to talk to the parents of this boy who received this shoebox. I asked, 'When Christmas and your son's birthday come around, what do you get him?' She looked at me and said, 'We give him a hug.' It shows the impact that these gift-filled shoeboxes can make a difference. Churches have even been started out of OCC distribution events."

Another aspect of Samaritan's Purse is attending locations around the globe where natural disasters have struck. A team of staff and volunteers help clean up, as well as share the gospel with people when relevant. 

"I've also been blessed to see how the crisis-trained rapid response team of the Billy Graham Association have gone out there and, in some cases, they stand beside victims of floods and wildfires while the volunteers work there. They provide a ministry of presence."

Now that King is retiring, he shares that he is looking forward to spending time taking photos, spending time with his grandchildren, and this September he and his wife will be going on an Alaskan cruise. 
