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Randy Gradishar inducted into the Pro Football Hall of Fame
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Randy Gradishar was inducted into the Pro Football Hall of Fame. (Screenshot: NFL/YouTube)

One retired athlete recently inducted into the Pro Football Hall of Fame gave all the glory and honour to God. 

Retired Denver Broncos linebacker Randy Gradishar was one of many honoured on Saturday, August 3 in Canton, OH. When Gradishar got on stage, he couldn't help but talk about Jesus and his Christian faith. 

He dedicated his induction to his "Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ," expressing gratitude that He "gave me His life so I could be built to last." 

Gradishar attends the Brave Church in Denver, CO, and shared a life-changing message he heard his pastor preach recently. 

"Earlier this year, Pastor Jeff taught a series 'Built to Last.' One of the messages of the series was difference makers. Pastor Jeff asked us to consider who made the difference in our lives, and today, I want to recognize a number of key individuals who made a profound difference in my life."

The 72-year-old recognized his wife as well as his former Ohio State teammate Archie Griffin as 'difference makers.' Griffin had invited Gradishar to a Bible study in his senior year, where his life radically changed.

"That evening, in '74, the Gospel was explained in four simple truths," he said on stage. "God created mankind in His image, and that comes from Genesis 1:27. God loves us and offers a plan for our life."

The second included the fact that every person has fallen short of the glory of God, found in Romans. 

Quoting from John 3:16, Gradishar shared that, "God so loved the world that He gave his only son that whoever believes in Him shall not perish but have eternal life" as the third truth. According to Gradishar, "Jesus Christ's death on the cross, the darkest day in history, and Jesus' resurrection earned Jesus the right to proclaim 'I am the way, the truth and the life and no one comes to the father but through me.'"

The fourth point, the good news Gradishar says is what made him a follower of Christ. 

"Salvation requires turning to God. Repent of our sins, accept his forgiveness and ask Jesus by faith to be your personal Lord and saviour."

The crowd cheered as Gradishar shared the message that changed everything for him, inviting anyone listening to do the same. Gradishar ended his speech with some words of wisdom and advice. 

"Don't work for status, power, wealth, materialism or people's recognition. All that is very, very temporary. In all you are and all you do, work for God's glory because He will give you an inheritance as your reward, a reward that's built to last."
