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Before and after photos of the work Hanover Hydro Seeding does
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Before and after photos of the work Hanover Hydro Seeding does

Patchy lawns. Dry spots. Unkillable weeds. The toil of the constant seeding… and reseeding… 

Horrifying, right?  

It’s time you had a lawn that brings you joy, without the constant struggle. And you can! With the revolutionary seeding method from Hanover Hydro Seeding. 

“Hydro seeding is basically a mulch mix with wood, paper, grass seed, tackifier, polymer gel, and water to glue it together,” said owner, Tanner Hoplock.  “It all goes into a big mixing machine, and I spray it on the lawn.” 

It’s that easy.  

“You usually see grass coming up in 5 to 7 days, and your first mow will be at around week 4,” he said.  

He continued, “Before the first mow, you do need to apply nitrogen. There’s very little nitrogen in the topsoil, and almost no nitrogen in my mix because it can harm the seedlings. But once you apply the nitrogen, you’re good to carry on as usual and enjoy your beautiful green space.”  

The lawn prep for hydro seeding is the same as sod prep.  

“So, usually you need about 3 inches of topsoil, have it nice and level, and that’s about it,” said Tanner.  

And the best part? “It’s about a third of the cost of sod,” he stated.  

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Tanner has been doing hydroseeding for the last 8 years, and has brought new life to lawns across Manitoba, and even into Ontario. He also offers soil prep, over-seeding, weed killing, and sod prep and install.  

Whether your home lawn needs a refresh, or you want to brighten up your outdoor commercial spaces, Tanner is your guy. 

To get started, give him a call or find him on social media. 

Call or text: (204) 921-0888 

Online: Facebook | Instagram | Website  

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Author Alias