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File photo of Susan Adderly

A touring company is putting on a production of Heavens Gates and Hells Flames in Weyburn this September 14th and 15th. 

Susan Adderly with the Lighthouse Church says the company has put on many other productions in different locations.  

“It's a touring company, a drama that's been performed around the world for the past 30 years. And the cast is made up of local people who are trained over three days. And people with no acting experience are taught to dramatize the reality of what happens
 immediately after a person dies.” 

The cast will be comprised of local talent, who will have only two days to prepare.  

“They're short little skits, so there's not a whole lot of lines to learn. Several people from our church and some of my friends and other churches have expressed interest so that's who the cast will be comprised of.” 

“They come on the Thursday night and do auditions and then we rehearse Friday, Saturday, and then we perform the first night, Saturday night, and then again, Sunday night. Yeah, so it's intense, but it's exciting.” 

Tickets are free, they are available at Old Fashion Foods or TAGS. Tickets must be acquired ahead of time due to limited seating.  

Find a trailer HERE.
