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Brittany Underhill, registered psychologist, owner, and director of Wheatland County Counselling is pleased to see the stigma surrounding counselling fade over the last handful of years. The company opened in 2017. Since then, client numbers have been gradually increasing.

“As the name says, we offer counselling, and that can be for any kind of issue or anything that you’ve been struggling with. Anxiety, depression, ADHD, self-esteem, PTSD, trauma, addiction. We can help with treatment plans, life coaching, marriage counselling. We do it all.”

Services are available to all- whatever your age, whatever your situation. Sessions can be for individuals, couples, or families. Staff include psychologists, counsellors, and social workers, guaranteeing that those seeking help will find the right fit. Additionally, they’re also willing to sit down with individuals who are not pursuing counselling for themselves, but rather wish to access resources for their child or approach the topic of counselling with a parent.

“The goal of counselling is to help people navigate struggles or difficult life situations,” Underhill defines. “Our job is to offer a nonjudgemental safe space for people to explore how they’re feeling, their struggles, and get a nonbiased opinion back, a sounding board. We help them figure out new strategies, find new ways of looking at things, and process anything that might be important.”

At first glance, the increase in people seeking counselling may seem, well, depressing. Underhill notes that this is, in fact, a good thing.

“Hopefully, it means that people are talking to each other and making sure that their loves ones know that counselling is beneficial.” Underhill continues, “It’s good that people can access services, and want to know more about what we do and how we can help them.”

All sessions at Wheatland County Counselling are private and confidential, and the duration of time spent in counselling varies from situation to situation. On average, clients will stay for ten to 20 sessions.

One program in particular stands out from the rest. Underhill shares that Wheatland County Counselling hosts a grant program through the Government of Alberta. This offers free counselling services for Drumheller residents who meet certain criteria, such as low income, lack of support, or lack of access to private services.

Wheatland County Counselling is located at 95 Brent Boulevard Unit #101 in Strathmore. For more information about services for yourself or for a loved one, please visit their website.
