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Academy of Learning

Next year, Academy of Learning Career College will celebrate its 30th anniversary of providing post-secondary education in southeast Manitoba. It’s a longevity that owes much to the institution’s reputation for graduating qualified individuals into the workforce of Steinbach and the surrounding area. 

It also demonstrates a willingness to adapt to the needs of both students and employers while embracing agility and technology. 

“We have continuous enrollment in our administration courses,” says Ray Granger, by way of example. “So, if you want to come and start a week from now, that’s great! If somebody else wants to start in a month, no problem!” 

Granger, the Executive Director of Academy of Learning, also cites a blended learning program that provides students with the flexibility to do their coursework at home while attending classes on a schedule that suits their needs. Many students also have jobs, he says, so the school’s student population ranges from part-time to full-time. 

Given a growing demographic in the region that may need to enhance its English-language skills before enrolling in post-secondary education, Academy of Learning is also proud to offer language training where required. 

“We do an assessment at the intake stage,” Granger explains. “If there’s some language upgrading that needs to be done, we provide that first and then we can roll the student into any of the programs we have.” 

And after graduating, Academy of Learning’s strong relationships with business and industry in the southeast means its students can often quickly put their new skills to use in the workforce. 

“We have a good rapport with employers, whether it's the health authority or private business,” says Granger. “That makes a huge impact. Having a pulse on the jobs that are needed can help us direct students when they come to us and say they’re leaning towards both this and that. We can give them some advice regarding opportunities.” 

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Advice is also available to students interested in various forms of financial aid. 

“We have counsellors who are well-versed in the hoops involved when it comes to accessing funding, whether in the form of grants, subsidies or student loans,” says Granger. “It can be difficult to manage all those intricacies, so the counsellors are there to assist students in that process.” 

Academy of Learning currently offers diploma programs for students pursuing careers in Business Administration, Office Administration, Medical Reception, Administrative Assistance, Computerized Accounting, and as Health Care Aides, Community Service Workers and Computer Service Technicians. 

Granger says that the school has already experienced a phenomenal spring and summer and is looking forward to a vibrant autumn. Of course, he also reminds prospective students that enrollment is continuous, so they don’t necessarily have to wait until fall to enroll. 

“Come and see us,” he says. “We’re in the Clearspring Centre, on the west side, right near the entrance. You can also give us a call and perhaps arrange an appointment.” 

Academy of Learning Career College can be reached by calling (204) 326-4188. Their programs can also be browsed by visiting their website

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Author Alias