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Today (August 29th) at 5 p.m., there will be an abundance of home-cooked flavours to enjoy at Winkler Senior Centre's annual fundraiser.  

“It's exciting because we serve great food — there's burgers, baked beans, coleslaw, [and] everything is homemade. There's [also] ice cream for dessert, [and] pop,” says Nettie Dyck, the executive director at the centre.  

The fundraiser takes place in the multipurpose room. In addition to enjoying a meal together, it is also a chance to learn about and get involved with the senior centre’s autumn programming.  

“It’s a great time. Everyone can come out and just socialize and . . . start talking about fall programming,” says Dyck. “[They can also] register for curling, shuffling, pickleball, [and] line dancing. It’s just kind of our kickoff for the fall season. Everything starts up again in September.” 

Dyck says that all community members are welcome.  

“A lot of our seniors come, and they bring their family members and it's just great fun for everybody,” she says. “It's a great way for people to come in and see what we do here and to get familiar with the facility.” 

As for the centre's autumn programming, in addition to the sports that Dyck mentioned, there are also dining programs, including a morning coffee that runs five days a week (coffee, muffins, and biscuits are served) and a noon meal that runs out of two locations five days a week. Dyck says that the meal program has both delivery and dine-in options.  

Dyck says that the breakfast program is especially popular.  

“Often [attendees will] meet their friends here, and there will be groups of them that will come in together,” she says. “If [someone is] by themselves, it's such a social program that they can just come in and sit with anybody they want and meet new people. It's just a great opportunity, I think, to socialize and just get involved.”  

There is also a fitness room open Monday to Friday from 8 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. complete with equipment and training on how to use it safely and effectively. Fitness classes occur twice a week in the morning.  

The week is full of activities at the Senior Centre — Mondays have informational or educational pieces that usually feature a guest speaker, Tuesdays and Thursdays are for line dancing, Wednesdays have pickleball, floor curling is on Thursdays, and floor shuffling takes place on Fridays.

Tonight’s meal is by donation. Dyck says that the centre calculates a certain amount for the food depending on how many people are present, and anyone who donates beyond that amount receives a tax receipt. For those who are on the go but would still like to support Winkler Senior Centre, take-out options are available.  

“I think it's just going to be a great time for everybody and we're excited to invite the community,” says Dyck.  

To stay informed on the happenings at Winkler Senior Centre, see its website here.  

~With files from Connie Bailey~ 
