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Filled with eye-catching artwork and vivid colour, The Real Story of Jesus has been watched over 2.7 million times and over 180,000 of those people have decided to follow Christ. (iBible/Submitted)

When it comes to the Bible, picking it up and reading it from front to back can be a task for many. RevelationMedia has found a way around this.

"We took about 300 scriptures from Genesis to Revelation, and we compiled a nine-minute animated video of the salvation message," said CEO of RevelationMedia, Steve Cleary.

Filled with eye-catching artwork and vivid colour, The Real Story of Jesus has been watched over 2.7 million times and over 180,000 of those people have decided to follow Christ.

Since its release on Easter, the short animation has been translated into 50 languages. The latest translation is Canadian French which is in partnership with Voice of the Martyrs Canada. 

"It's a tough group to reach with the gospel," CEO of Voice of the Martyrs Canada, Floyd Brobbel explained. "There's a lot of history there. Predominantly French-speaking Canadians are Catholics, and while I believe there are a number of God-fearing Catholics who love Jesus, there's a very strong cultural Catholicism to it."

Brobbel says he believes this project offers a reigniting of what the Christian faith is and what it means to be a follower of Jesus. 

"This presentation is a way to engage with the God of creation, the God who created us, who created us for a reason and a purpose," said Brobbel. "It's an exciting project, and I think it's just going to continue to pick up steam."

The Real Story of Jesus is available through the free iBIBLE app. The app currently includes The Real Story of Jesus and 42 episodes covering the full book of Genesis. When completed, iBIBLE will encompass approximately 280 episodes available to be translated into the 7,000-plus languages of the world.
