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Farm-dog Murphy, Image Creek's Brent Wiebe, and Triple Star Manufacturing's Dean Toews

Meals in the Fields for 2024 is complete, with 7 deliveries to 7 hardworking producers.

The Kent Family-owned Tim Hortons provided coffee, breakfast sandwiches and pastries, and the CFRY Crew, along with our fantastic partners, made each delivery.

From the first delivery, Dean Toews of Triple Star Manufacturing weighs in on the importance of local farmers.

“They're definitely the backbone of our business, and we appreciate being able to keep our business in the community and helping those that are close to us.” 

Brent Wiebe, who owns Image Creek Farms, shared an update on how they were doing when the food arrived.

“We're kind of in between crops now, so we're a little bit slow. But they did well for us this year, even though it was wet and cool this spring. We have a little more optimism than when there was in June and July, so hopefully we'll have a good September here to finish off the rest of the crops.” 

Here are the winners, along with the businesses where they entered:

Triple Star Manufacturing - Image Creek Farms
Western Bearing and Auto Parts - Cam Stewart
Point West Electrical Services - Moran Family Farms
MacDonald's Sporting Goods - Ron Brooks
Avenue Honda Polaris - Sisson Farms
Notre Dame Motors - Hummer Ventures
PortageOnline Winner - Jamor Farms


Check out a gallery of the winning farms below, and good luck to all of our local farmers on the rest of harvest season!
