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Tim Tebow speaking on Capital Hill on September 10, 2024, about a new act that will help sexually exploited children.
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Tim Tebow spoke on Capital Hill on September 10, 2024, about a new act that will help sexually exploited children. (Screenshot:Tim Tebow/X)

Former NFL and outspoken Christian Tim Tebow spoke on Capital Hill this week to help stop the abuse of child sexual exploitation online with a new act. 

Tebow endorsed the Renewed Hope Act, a legislation that would enhance the ability of U.S. Immigration and Customs and Enforcement and the U.S. Department of Homeland Security to rescue exploitation victims and identify predators. The goal is to help rescue 50,000 children currently being exploited. 

To drive home the point, Tebow read a chat between a few online predators. It included a conversation about what age the predators prefer to sexually assault children at. The details were harrowing, which Tebow expressed.

"When I read that chat, it hurts," Tebow said. "And I mourn and grieve a little bit when I read it, but I also have hope. Because I know that we're able to bring a piece of the solution here today. And, unfortunately, many times, people with the goal to do evil work better than people with the goal to do good. I say that today with a heavy heart, but you know, I also believe here today that people with the goal to do good are working together in an incredible way."

Tebow has been passionate about helping trafficked children for many years, including when he spoke in front of Congress earlier this year. On Tuesday he joined a bipartisan group of lawmakers Tuesday outside the U.S. Capitol to unveil the new act. 

"It's not just images; it's not just videos," Tebow stated. "It's boys and girls that are in the worst moments of their life. And then people are celebrating it." 

The Tim Tebow Foundation is currently working in 12 different countries to help children being exploited sexually. The foundation has also helped rescue 2,000 victims and bring more than 500 traffickers to justice.

"We are willing to come together to put down our differences and to say that for every single one of those boys and girls, they're worth it. To do whatever it takes, however it takes, whatever we gotta do so that they can be protected, so that they can be loved, so that maybe they can experience the faith, hope and love they so desperately, desperately deserve, and desperately need. Because right now, while we're talking, they're crying," Tebow said.
