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Rev. Bamidele and Ololade Ono (Facebook)
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Rev. Bamidele and Ololade Ono have organized a free marriage retreat for four years, now. The couple says they desire to see couples living happily ever after with a biblical foundation in their relationship. (Facebook)

A two-day outreach event aimed at married couples is happening this weekend in Winnipeg, organized by the Rock of Ages Ministries.

Rev. Bamidele Oni and his wife Ololade are hosting the event, which aligns with their 18th wedding anniversary. The outreach, taking place online on Friday, Sept. 20, and online and in-person on Sept. 21 at Fort Garry Mennonite Fellowship Church, is designed to foster biblical marriages and offer support for couples navigating challenges.

"This weekend is about couples helping one another, praying for one another, and receiving counsel," Bamidele said. While the event is primarily for married couples, engaged couples are also welcome to attend.

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The outreach will feature teaching sessions, workshops, and opportunities for private counselling. Special guest couples, including Sheldon and Valerie Dean from FamilyLife Canada in Regina, as well as Christina and Rev. Joel Saladaga III, FamilyLife Canada’s representatives for Manitoba, will lead sessions.

“This is a chance to interact, enjoy meals together, and celebrate marriage,” Bamidele shared.

The event, which started in 2020, has become an annual tradition. According to the couple, past attendees have expressed gratitude for the encouragement and wisdom shared during the sessions.

The event is free, but registration is required. Interested couples can sign up online by visiting the Rock of Ages Ministry’s website.

The event kicks off at 9:30 a.m. and runs until the afternoon.

With files from Angela Peacock
