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Canada is grappling with a severe pilot shortage and one Alberta-based ministry has found a temporary solution. (Supplied by MAF)

Canada is grappling with a severe pilot shortage and one Alberta-based ministry has found a temporary solution. 

"There is a huge shortage in the number of pilots coming out of training institutions," said Mission Aviation Fellowship pilot, Lowell Deering. "Our average number of commercial pilot licenses issued in Canada a few years ago was about 1,100. During COVID, it dropped to 293 and in 2022 it was 238. It's a huge problem."

Earlier this month, MAF together with the Prairie Aviation Training Centre held a groundbreaking ceremony for its much-anticipated facility expansion, marking a significant milestone in aviation education and training for the region. 

“There has never been a greater need for qualified mission pilots and maintenance engineers than there is right now,” said Brad Bell, president and CEO of Mission Aviation Fellowship Canada. “Because of the lack of space at our current facility, Prairie Aviation Training Centre (PATC), we face for the first time the very real possibility of turning away potential future mission aviators. The expansion of PATC will see the next generation of mission aviators bring help, hope, and healing to a world in need.”

Deering says that the faith component of their training is a big part of what they do. He says they are driven by a passion to serve the unreached people. 

"We're committed to using aviation to reach isolated people with the practical and spiritual support they need to thrive," Lowell explained. "It's rooted in compassion. We are all people who follow Jesus and are guided by God and his word."

Deering explains that everyone who will be training at the new Prairie Aviation Training Centre will also be learning about faith.

"We hope they experience that in a new way in their lives."

The expanded facility, located at the Three Hills Airport in Alberta, will feature state-of-the-art training equipment and technology, providing students with the best possible preparation for successful aviation careers.  

“Expanding the Prairie Aviation Training Centre (PATC) will make it possible for Prairie College and Mission Aviation Fellowship to double the number of pilots trained at PATC to be missional aviators around the world.," said Mark Maxwell, president of Prairie College. "A big thank you goes out to everyone whose financial gifts have made this visionary work possible.”

With files from Angela Peacock
