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Lisa Rogal (Kailer's mom), Annette Klassen, and Shawna Unrau
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Lisa Rogal (Kailer's mom), Annette Hiebert, and Shawna Unrau

A year and a half ago, Lisa and Mike Rogal lost their 19-year-old son Kailer to suicide and early on in their grief journey, they decided the best thing to do was raise awareness and help others who may be struggling with mental health. 

Each year since his passing, the Rogal’s will pick a different Drop In Centre to fundraise for in Kailer’s name. 

On Saturday, the 2nd annual Kailer Rogal Memorial Fundraiser was held at the Hanover Ag grounds in Grunthal in support of the Drop Zone. 

They had a bouncy castle for the kids, a vendor village, food, a silent auction, and great live performances from JR Charron, New Covenant, Big Daddy Taz, Daniel Desorcy, and Hope for Tomorrow. 

 Lisa Rogal shares that it went really well and says the support from the community was amazing.  

“I'm not sure if there's another word for it, bittersweet, surreal, and just like it feels like we're just loved through this journey. Just complete strangers would come and talk to us and ask about Kailer. They just kind of showed up at the park and we're like, ‘Hey, what's going on, what's this all about?’ And we got to tell them about Drop Zone and what they do for the kids and how that's dear to our hearts. And just like build a quick little relationship with a stranger on the spot.” 

Rogal says that the day was difficult but seeing everyone come together for Kailer made it wonderful. She goes on to share a highlight of the day. 

“I think the most touching moment would have been when New Covenant sang a song for us. I don't even remember what the song was, I remember the words, it brought tears. And I just thought that was that was really special that they took time to bless us like that.” 

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New Covenant Quartet giving a heartwarming performance at the fundraiser.

So far, around $7,000 has been raised and the fundraiser is going on till the end of September in recognition of Suicide Prevention Month. 

Rogal explains that jars are placed around Grunthal at locations including Grunthal Lumber and Petro-Canada or visit the Kailer Rogal Memorial Facebook page to donate.

“Thank you to everybody who came out and supported and to everybody who was a part of making it such an amazing day,” says Rogal. 
