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Maple Leaf Elementary students back: Yana, Keaton, Finnely, Haisley, Grayson and Ekaterina. Front: Madelyn, Huxley, Jaeda and Jackson
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Maple Leaf Elementary students back: Yana, Keaton, Finnley, Haisley, Grayson and Ekaterina. Front: Madelyn, Huxley, Jaeda and Jackson.

It's a Canadian tradition for kids to dress in costume and go door to door in the neighbourhood with a bag, bucket, or pillowcase yelling, "Trick or Treat!" or "Halloween Apples!" as doors open wide. A brief greeting and conversation take place all while candy is thrust into the open treat receptacle with smiles and a brief exchange of joy and gratitude before dashing back down the driveway and onto the next house to do it all over again. At the end of the night, candy is dumped onto the floor or table to be divided into categories like chocolate bars, candy, and gum, as you will hear from one of our Maple Leaf students.

Robyn went on location this afternoon to talk with students about a day for kids, fun, and safety that brings a community together on one night of the year. You can hear Maple Leaf Elementary students Yana, Keaton, Finnley, Haisley, Grayson, Ekaterina, Madelyn, Huxley, Jaeda and Jackson talk about their school fun activities, costumes, candy, safety and MORE below. 

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