Carnie's Comments
It's time for some fun on Facebook Friday. I share the best from the best.
I like this one, "Me: I have my life together. Also me: Loses keys, spills coffee, trips over nothing and forgets what day it is."
A question, "Why is there always a shop selling luggage at the airport? Who is going on vacation, carrying and armful of clothing and saying, I'll just pack when I get there?"
Another question, "If there are 365 days in a year, why did we only name 7 of them?"
Here's a thought from a friend who writes, "The biggest joke on mankind is that computers have started asking humans to prove that they aren't a robot."
This one, "I'm old. I'm going to put two spaces between sentences and not apologize for it. Also, stay off of my lawn."
A funny friend of mine shares, "Some people should use a glue stick instead of Chapstick."
And one more, "Don't forget to finish the week off strong by drinking lots of water and minding your own business."