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Many of us will go through life wondering what our true purpose is, waiting for our calling from God.

“The truth is, the call has already been made, the offer is on the table. Being a part of God’s family means we’ve received the invitation to be an active part of His work of love and compassion. He’s waiting for us to respond," explains Geoff Peters, author of The Family Business: A Parable about Stepping Into the Life You Were Made For

Peters is chief marketing officer, serving on the international leadership team of Operation Mobilization and director of The Mission Gap Project, which seeks to close the divide between what Christians are called to do and what they actually do. He wrote The Family Business in response to a study conducted by The Mission Gap Project, which discovered three primary fears that prevent Christians from stepping into God's work with their full lives – fear of sacrifice, failure and personal safety.

The Family Business helps readers in overcoming obstacles that many Christians face when committing to live as a disciple for Christ every day.

“The real question is not IF or WHEN we’ll be called to serve, it’s HOW we will serve Him — NOW,” said Peters. “To be a part of sharing His incredible love with those who need it most, we have the opportunity to use our unique, God-given skills, talents, resources and gifts. We are equipped to tackle heart-wrenching issues like poverty and injustice by making choices about how we will use the abilities, finances, and time He’s blessed upon us.”

All the proceeds from “The Family Business” go to Operation Mobilization and the Mission Gap Project to inspire, equip and connect Jesus followers for God’s work around the world.

Today on Connections, Geoff helps us to overcome the obstacles that we as Christians face when committing to live as a disciple for Christ every day.
