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Host Chris Wolf had the opportunity to chat with Leroy Peters, president of Carefree Concierge about making your move the easiest move ever.

 One of the things that all people generally agree on, is that moving from one home to another can be a stressful, labour intensive and exhausting experience. The hauling, packing, sorting, and dealing with all the logistics of a move are enough to make you want to wish you were doing anything else. The moving process can be especially complicated when a child is helping a parent downsize into a smaller location, or is dealing with the estate after the parent has passed away.

Carefree Concierge is a Winnipeg company that takes care of all things moving! They are experts in organizing and packing items.  They will also help you deal with all the things that often get forgotten about during a move, such as switching of utilities, dismantling and putting back together furniture, donations, etc. All of the nitty gritty bits of moving that can be such a tiring hassle.

They specializes in helping the elderly move. Leroy Peters, President of Carefree Concierge saw a need for this kind of service in Winnipeg. He helped his parents move, and realized that as baby boomers were aging; this kind of situation would become more and more prevellent. He realized there was not this kind of service in the city that dealt specifically with the elderly. “It’s proven to be very well received,” says Leroy “there’s a lot of need for it.”

Carefree Concierge has experts in packing, sorting and organizing, and when it comes to the actual moving, they have vetted through the best movers in the city and will use the appropriate mover for the job at hand. They also will help with downsizing, and have specialists who can help donate items to various organizations. They have specialists who can appraise items and can help you sell the item so some money can be made from the estate. Carefree Concierge really does it all!  As Leroy says “The idea is zero stress for our client, an entirely carefree experience from start to finish.”

Carefree Concierge deals with seniors, but also children of seniors, as Leroy points out “Children of seniors are very often looking after their own family. They’ve got shuttling to do, and a house to run…moving takes a lot of work and often it’s equated to a forty hour experience if you’re doing it yourself; between finding movers, packing everything, getting boxes, all the materials etc.… we’ve found that the children of baby boomers love our services because it allows them to be with Mom and Dad on a social level.” Children of baby boomers can relax with their parents and deal with their own families, while Carefree Concierge takes care of everything in regards to the move.

The process starts with a consultation, where Leroy and his staff walk through your home, and help figure out what is staying and what is going to charity. They will also help with figuring out a furniture layout in the new location based on the furniture you have; the idea being to help make the new space functional and livable. From packing to the finished move, generally takes three days, from start to finish. The start point being nothing is packed,  to the end point being your new space looks like you have already been living there for a couple of months. Everything is settled and unpacked.

When it comes to cost, Leroy points out that by the time you take into account the forty hours or work to take care of the move, find boxes, and hire your own movers etc., the cost of hiring Carefree Concierge is comparatively much less.

An easy, leisurely, headache free move is possible when you are using Carefree Concierge.

To find out more click here:


To find out more and see Chris Wolf’s conversation with Leroy Peters, President of Carefree Concierge click here:


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