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Leo's Mobile Tax Service is on the corner of Reimer Avenue and Hanover Street

With a brand-new office and new staff, it’s almost like Christmas came early for Leo’s Mobile Tax Service this year. And they’re excited to share the goodwill.

“When your wallet hurts from spending all your money on Christmas presents,” jokes Leo Deurbrouck Jr., founder of Leo’s Mobile Tax Service, “make sure you come to us to do your taxes. That way you’ll get every penny of your refund or pay as little as possible and save your wallet!”

Leo and his staff, which he says will likely grow by another two members in 2025, will be working on your returns and other financial services such as bookkeeping, payroll, business advice, tax filings, business registrations and even more from their new location at 333 Reimer Ave. in Steinbach. It's just across from the hospital and behind the Southeast Event Centre, and Leo says he’s standing by to serve you as quickly and as comfortably as he can. After all, the new office is for his clients.

He explains that the new office, across from the hospital and behind the Southeast Event Centre, will help ensure customers from throughout the region are served as well and as quickly as possible.

He also emphasizes that the “mobile” in Leo’s Mobile Tax Service isn’t going anywhere.

“We still offer in-home services, so we can come do your taxes right at your kitchen table if you want,” he explains. “But now we also offer the really nice office if you prefer that instead.”

With tax return season creeping up, the Leo’s team has been busy updating systems and software so they’re ready to go in the New Year. Leo also has a few tips to help individuals and businesses get ready to file their returns.

“Remember that employers have until February 28 to issue all your T4 slips, and it’s the same with T5s and your investment stuff,” he says. “We typically recommend waiting until at least the end of February to file, so that you have everything in order.”

He also says to make sure to keep all those receipts for medical expenses and donations.

“A lot of people focus on getting their return fast, but instead they should focus on making sure they get every penny of their return by doing things like collecting all their medical receipts, donation receipts, employment expenses…the list goes on,” he says. “Be patient. Perhaps call us for a free pre-consult to make sure you’re claiming everything you can. Filing too early means things get missed.”

The Leo’s team is also thrilled to be able to welcome clients into the new office space, and they’ll do their best to maximize those tax returns and make the post-Christmas belt-tightening a little less strenuous.

“I hope everybody has a great holidays,” says Leo. “We can’t wait to do everybody’s taxes in the New Year.”

Leo’s Mobile Tax Service, now located at 333 Reimer Ave. in Steinbach, can be reached by calling (204) 997-2466, and additional information about their services can be found on their website.

Author Alias