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Believers from around the world are being encouraged to join together in prayer this weekend for Christians who are being persecuted for their faith in Jesus Christ.

International Day of Prayer for the Persecuted Church (IDOP) is an annual movement that brings Christians and churches together in prayer for their brothers and sisters living where faith costs the most.

According to Open Doors Canada, this year, the need for prayer is even more urgent as we witness the challenges faced by Afghani Christians. These believers are among the more than 340 million Christians who daily face high levels of persecution and discrimination. 

Inspired by Hebrews 12:28, this year’s IDOP theme is Unshakeable Faith and falls on November 7th, 2021. Canadians will be encouraged to pray for countries like Afghanistan, Algeria, Cuba, and India, where simply practicing one’s faith can lead to beatings, loss of livelihood, arrest, or even death. Open Doors Canada says the pandemic has only added to a reality where persecuted Christians are further isolated and cut off from support. 

"I think that we can look to the persecuted church and we can learn a lot from them about what it is to persevere in faith and be victorious in our faith, even in the midst of the darkest days and difficult situations. We've learned from them that their faith is unshakeable," Rev. Gary Stagg, executive director of Open Doors Canada explains.

Open Doors Canada has developed resources to equip Canadians to pray for those facing a deep cost for following Jesus. Resources include country information cards with specific prayer points and church service materials.

“When we hear the stories of what’s happening in places like Afghanistan and hear the total number of Christians who face persecution for their faith, it can be overwhelming. The number one way we can stand with our brothers and sisters is through prayer! We hope Canadians from Vancouver Island to Newfoundland join others in more than 130 countries in remembering and interceding for our persecuted family," says Rev. Gary Stagg.

Today on Connections, Gary Stagg, executive director of Open Doors Canada shares how we can pray for the persecuted church. 

