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This Sunday November 14th at 3:00pm at Lutheran Church of the Cross at 560 Arlington Street, the Mennonite Community Orchestra will be putting on a concert that they are calling “Prairie Sunrise.”

There will be music written for the different sections of the Orchestra, such as music for Brass by Gabrieli, Mozart’s Serenade no 11 for winds, and Dvorak’s Serenade for String Orchestra.

The concert will also feature a brand new work for Orchestra by Canadian composer Anna Schwartz, and music from Mozart’s the Marriage of Figaro as sung by Soprano Johanna Klassen.

The concert is named for Anna Schwartz’s new piece for Orchestra that she called “Prairie Sunrise.” Schwartz is a fourth year music student at Canadian Mennonite University who hails from Fort Frances, Ontario. She was inspired to compose her piece “Prairie Sunrise” after seeing a particularly stunning sunrise while on a choir trip of Southern Manitoba.

“We were driving along through southern Manitoba on this bus and I remember looking out the window and seeing this sunrise… it was unlike anything I had ever seen in Northwestern Ontario… just the vastness and the expansive of the Prairies in Southern Manitoba was really intriguing for me…it was just so wonderful,” states Schwartz.

One of the other highlights of the Mennonite Community Orchestra’s program is that they will be joined by CMU student Johanna Klassen. She will be singing a couple of arias from Mozart’s “The Magic Flute.”

When performing the music of Mozart, Klassen states “I love how dramatic it is…it’s light but still so dramatically charged which makes it really a challenge to sing but something that is really fun.”

This concert is Sunday at 3:00pm at Lutheran Church of the Cross, at 560 Arlington Street. The Mennonite Community Orchestra will be led by Maestro Andrea Bell, and promises to be an amazing afternoon of great music performed by this wonderful ensemble!

For more details click here:


To See Chris Wolf’s conversation with Soprano Johanna Klassen and composer Anna Schwartz click here:
