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EDT students holding We Need Everyone
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Over 100 students at École Discovery Trails received "We Need Everyone" by Manitoba Author Michael Redhead-Champagne

Grade two students were all smiles to receive a new book for I Love to Read Month with Friesens Corporation.

Friesens representative Sandi Enns wowed kids with information about how many books are printed, how much ink and how much paper are used each year.

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Friesen's Rep Sandi Enns

Students were happy to listen to the new book and learn about how everyone has gifts and each person has a place in their own community.Image removed.

Each grade two student received a new book printed at Friesens Corp. written by Manitoba author Michael Redhead-Champagne called, "We Need Everyone."

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Robyn Wiebe was thrilled to also read to students and loves to hear them guess what will happen next each time the page turns.

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Listen to Mme Reddig's class talk about their own gifts.
