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Tomorrow night Saturday, November 13th at 7:30pm at Crescent Fort Rouge United Church, there will be a really fascinating concert of music written for percussion ensemble.

The Fresh Blood Project is an innovative and exciting percussion group that was founded in 2019. The mandate of the group is to collaborate with young up and coming composers, with the idea being that the composers would write new music for the ensemble, and have the group perform these pieces.

The Fresh Blood Project runs with some support from Winnipeg’s GroundSwell and the instrument maker Marimba One, but is largely self-funded in addition to donations.

The Fresh Blood Project was created by Winnipeg percussionist Cameron Denby. Denby is a award winning graduate of the University of Manitoba’s Desautels Faculty of Music, and went on to study at the San Francisco Conservatory earning a Professional Studies Diploma in marimba performance.

The idea for the Fresh Blood Project came to Denby through his studies at the San Francisco Conservatory. There was an event called “The Hot Air” music Festival that featured new music by young composers and this really made an impact on Denby. “I really like the idea of an event just designed to showcase a bunch of new music that no one has heard before. It gives emerging people a chance to play and it gives composers a chance to write and have their music actually played.”

There will be works on the program by local composers Kiara Nathaniel, and Rebeka Schroeder, and also works written from American composers Steph Davis and Qianqian Jin.

There will also be music on the program arranged for marimbas and vibraphones by Denby himself. Music of Joplin will be heard, also music by Vivaldi, Ernesto Lecuona and others.

To donate to this fantastic new initiative here initiative here in Winnipeg click here:


This promises to be a phenomenal concert full of some great music for percussion. To find out more click here:


To See Chris Wolf’s conversation with Fresh Blood founder Cameron Denby click  here:
