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A popular Bible app is sharing its most popular Bible verse of the year as the pandemic continues to drive people to the Bible

Matthew 6:33 "But seek first His kingdom and His righteousness, and all things will be added to you" was the most popular verse in 2021. YouVersion says it was bookmarked, highlighted, and shared the most.

“We’re encouraged to see high levels of Bible engagement again this year because it means people are turning to God and the Bible for answers to their questions. Even our Verse of the Year points to the heart of the YouVersion Community to seek God and know Him more," YouVersion Founder Bobby Gruenewald says in a statement.

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YouVersion has seen worldwide increases in users. (YouVersion)

In all, 55.8 billion Bible chapters were read in 2021, and 8.2 audio chapters were played.

Weekday engagement with the Bible has increased by 10 per cent since March 2020, but as churches reopened YouVersion saw weekday engagement remain.

“Coming off of a record year in 2020, we’re excited to see that so many people are continuing the daily Bible engagement habits they created last year."

Sunday app engagement is 24 per cent higher than before 2020, and Plans with Friends subscriptions have doubled. The new Guided Prayer series has been completed more than 38.4 million times.

"They’re engaging past that initial moment of need and digging deeper to strengthen their relationship with God.”
