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Stories matter. They provide a compelling conduit through which we can connect with and impact other people.

Linda Olson never thought that she would go down the path of becoming a storyteller, but God had other plans. After experiencing tragedy early on in life and taking years to heal, God spoke to Linda and told her that she needed to share her story.  

She listened, and now Linda is helping others to embrace their own stories and share them in a way that could be of value to others. 

Her latest book, Story Matters! Empowering Your Hope When Going Through Tough Times, provides real-life examples of seven ordinary women, who, through their faith in God, rose above their circumstances and discovered a deeper fulfillment than they had ever imagined.

“All of these women wanted to give in and give up because they felt themselves giving out,” Olson said. “But something kept them going!"

Now, these women are using the power of their stories to make a difference.

Today on Connections, Linda shares why it's so important to share your story and the inspiration behind her latest book.
