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On Wednesday, December 29th the Women’s Musical Club of Winnipeg will presenting their annual scholarship winners recital. The concert takes place at Fort Garry Mennonite Brethren Church at 7:30pm.

This year’s six winners consist of two singers, one violinist, one violist, a cellist and a clarinetist. These six young Manitoba musicians will present a recital that will showcase the best in up-and-coming Manitoba talent. Something the Women’s Musical Club of Winnipeg had been specializing in for more than 125 years.

Clarinetist Simon Proulx is the winner of the WMC’s $1500 Holtby Scholarship. He is currently studying music at The University of British Columbia, and will be one of the six musicians performing on Wednesday the 29th. He is playing a piece for solo clarinet by the American composer Joan Tower called "Wings.” This is a real show stopper for clarinet, and will be sure to entertain!

Chris Wolf had the opportunity to talk with Simon Proulx about his performance on Wednesday, December the 29th. Click here to see to meet this amazing young musician:
