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 Life Coach Michael Taylor has thrown a lifeline to individuals looking to kickstart their spiritual journeys and self-discovery.

“There are many people who are hesitant to pursue their spiritual journeys because of strict religious doctrines surrounding Christianity that don’t coincide with their personal views,” Taylor said.

Data released from the Pew Research Center supports Taylor’s position, with surveys showing that the number of religious “nones” has grown by nearly 30 million over the past decade.

Touted as a refreshing take on spirituality and religion, Taylor's new book, What if Jesus Were a Coach? aims to inspire readers to find their own truth about God. The author shares his personal experiences and delves into the teachings of Jesus to help readers realize that there is more to spirituality than rules and restrictions.

A former Atheist, Taylor once had an aversion to organized religion until he undertook extensive research about world religions to determine if God existed or not.

“My research ultimately led me to my own ‘truth’ about God, which has allowed me to create an intimacy and connection to a power greater than myself,” he said. “In this book, I share my experiences and how I was able to do that.”

What if Jesus Were a Coach offers valuable lessons that will benefit even those who do not believe in God. Readers will come away with a refreshing viewpoint and newfound wisdom on connecting with a higher power and achieving their dreams.

Coach Michael Taylor is an entrepreneur, author (10 books), motivational speaker, podcaster, and radio and TV show host who has dedicated his life to empowering men and women to reach their full potential by transforming their lives from the inside out. He knows first-hand how to overcome adversity and build a rewarding and fulfilling life, and he is sharing his knowledge and wisdom with others to support them in creating the life of their dreams.

Today on Connections, Michael shares his testimony and why it's so important for him to reach others. 
