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It's been 10 years since Naomi Fehr lost her son, Josh, to cancer. 

"Josh was a healthy kid, and all of a sudden he just wasn't feeling so good. We took him in for some testing, and they immediately had us rush him into Winnipeg to Children's Hospital for some blood tests and stuff. We were told he had leukemia," Fehr explains.

Josh was just nine years old when he lost his battle. Naomi says, when he passed, she needed something to keep herself busy, so she started volunteering with Candlelighters, a childhood cancer support group.  She is now the board chair.

Last week an outbreak was declared in the cancer ward at Winnipeg's Children's Hospital. This meant that the children, along with their parents and caregivers, would have to isolate, some for 12 days, and they would not be able to leave their rooms for food.  

The children would still get their meals, but only a bag lunch would be provided for the parent.

A mother whose daughter is currently undergoing chemotherapy at Children's Hospital voiced her concerns about the isolation, and this caught the eye of Naomi Fehr.

"When I heard about this, it bothered me for a few hours," said Fehr.

After chatting with the hospital and then chatting with the board, they decided to provide a hot meal each day to the parents and caregivers on the ward. 

Naomi posted a thank you on social media, and before she knew it, hundreds upon thousands of dollars started pouring in. 

"It’s been quite the whirlwind," said Naomi. "It’s one thing to believe in what you’re doing, and so much more when hundreds of people (many strangers) show that they too believe that we are doing great things and are excited to be a part of it."

They have now reached over $25,000, with more money coming in each day. All funds raised will go back to helping families dealing with childhood cancer.   

Today on Connections, Naomi shares her story, how important it is to have support groups like Candlelighters and how people have stepped up to help those in a time of need.  
