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Winnipeg ceramic artist Jordan Van Sewell has been a mainstay on the Canadian art scene for more than 30 years. His works can be found in prestigious art collections around the world. His truly original artistic take on the world around him, has been praised by many for its insightful look at the world we are living in now, and the world that many of us have lived through in the past.

Constantly looking to improve his surroundings, and the way people treat each other, it is no surprise that the approaching Valentine’s day hold a special place in Van Sewell’s heart. “Nowadays, it seems that a lot of people have tried to turn it into a Hallmark holiday, whereas it really does have its roots in the idea of maybe spring is on its way, maybe love springs eternal.”

This idea of love springs eternal makes it into many of Van Sewell pieces. These ceramics are lovingly hand made by him. As Jordan point out, “I’m sure that we could glean the surface of them you would find my fingerprint eternally bound to the clay.”

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Many of his pieces do not break the bank. For less than fifty dollars patrons can buy a piece by this Winnipeg icon Jordan Van Sewell and have his art in their home for eons.

The Jordan Van Sewell Gallery is at the top of the curly stairs at the Forks Market. Why not stop by and purchase something for the one you love.

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