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The Manitoba Registered Music Teachers Association (MRMTA) has been providing quality music education to music students throughout the Province since 1919, and for the past 33 years the MRMTA has been hosting the Kids Helping Kids Musicthon. This is an event that supports quality music programs for children who might not otherwise have access to quality music education.

Like last year, this year's Musicthon will be held online. People will be able to view the Musicthon on the Manitoba Registered Music Teachers YouTube channel. The videos will go live on Sunday, February 20th at 2:00pm and will be available to watch through to the end of February. The proceeds of the Musicthon support programs for students studying music in the inner city and lower income areas of Winnipeg. 

As MRMTA President Evangeline Keeley states, “The main purpose of the event is to be able to raise money, to give back to the Winnipeg Community...it’s also, we feel, worthwhile to support programs outside of the main teaching aspect of the MRMTA. Something that was particularity relevant last year and this year is that the enabling of people to have access to music programs is helpful during times of stress, tension or isolation that we’ve all been experiencing.”

The range of ages and levels will be quite diverse. It starts with kids who are five years old all the way through to advanced levels, and even some teachers. Performance submissions, have been arriving to Musicthon Convener Christina Hutton, at a great rate. There will be more than 100 performances that viewers can watch on the MRMTA’s YouTube Channel.

One of the really exciting things about this year’s Musicthon, is that the MRMTA is teaming up with The United Way Winnipeg. As Hutton says, "We are really excited to partner up with United Way of Winnipeg… they are supporting quite a few free grass roots programs that are offered to youth. They offer programs that give instrumental instruction, they even have some creative ones, like song writing workshops, recording music, the have a music arts and dance camp…so they have some neat opportunities with the agencies they partner with.”

To Donate to this very worthwhile cause click here
