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This weekend, Virtuosi Concerts honours longtime artistic director Dr. Harry Strub in a concert featuring a favourite and regular group of performers, the Gryphon Trio. 

Opening for the stellar ensemble is Virtuosi Young Artist Alice Macgregor.



Originally from Newfoundland, the third-year soprano at the University of Manitoba Desautels Faculty of Music made the move halfway across the country to study with the renowned Tracy Dahl. 

"I did a lot of travelling for my undergrad auditions when I was in my senior year of high school," says Macgregor, who auditioned in Montreal and London, England amongst other places. "I had numerous people recommend Tracy as a voice teacher... I'd heard great things about U of M as a program as well, but I would say the main reason (in moving to Winnipeg) is that I wanted Tracy to teach me." 

Performing Mirinda's aria "Io son quel gelsomino" from Vivaldi's lesser known Arsilda Regina di Ponto, Macgregor notes that it is a wonderful "display" for the coloratura voice with added ornamentation, high notes and long fast runs. 

Homage à Harry takes place at St. Andrew's United Church, 7:30 p.m. on Saturday, April 2. For tickets and concert details, visit: www.virtuosiconcerts.ca 


