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Born with moderate to severe hearing loss, Thomas Muglia grew up in a musical family and quickly learned how to feel, play, and read music at a young age.

"Interestingly enough, the hearing loss doesn't really impact my musical life very much," Muglia explains. "It affects my ability to communicate with others if I'm in a crowded room. As a musician though, I can't say that it has impacted me. It's just kind of my normal. I don't know life with full hearing. Life with hearing loss is just normal to me." 

Under his dad’s leadership in the Church, he began playing and singing for the congregation. Through his teen years, Thomas spent his spare time playing renditions of his favourite pop songs in school talent shows or coffee shops. It wasn’t long after in Campus Ministry during college he discovered a passion for honest songwriting and music that speaks to the heart.

"I started to get involved in a great community. I was exposed to men and women who took their faith seriously," said Muglia."They were my age and were trying to live a Christian life together. One of the things we would do a lot of is worship. I played guitar, so I became the worship leader."

"Eventually, I fell in love with it, and I was moved by the fact that when you take scripture, or you take a prayer that is powerful, and you combine it with a melody that is also really powerful, it just becomes this amazing force."

In 2019, Muglia recorded his first independent album The Return, and not long after that, he was sought after by OCP to publish some of his songs, which quickly expanded with him being signed to the publishing company and the creation of his new album I Have A Father.

He says his debut album with OCP showcases his prayerful and heartfelt songwriting combined with powerful melodies and dynamic instrumental textures. He says his lyrics strive to reflect honestly on all aspects of a relationship with God and the Christian walk of faith.

“Recording this album was a songwriter’s dream,” said Muglia. “To come out to Nashville with all these songs and be able to produce them in the way that feels most natural and most authentic. Music is a tool for communication. It’s a way that we can share a message that people otherwise might not be willing to hear." 

“I hope this album brings the message forward to someone so that they can hear it and relate to it. In this case, it’s to be drawn into a relationship with God.”

Today on Connections, Thomas shares what it's like to make music with hearing loss. He'll also chat about his new album.
