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2019 WMC Scholarship Winners

Calling all young musical artists! Join the ranks of Keri-Lynn Wilson, David Moroz, Mel Braun, Rosemary Siemens, Keith Dyrda, Madeline Hildebrand and more as a WMC Scholarship winner.  

For more than a century, the Women’s Musical Club of Winnipeg (WMC) has not only brought world-renowned performers to the city, they have also fostered the talents of local, emerging musical artists through scholarships and performance opportunities. 

“It’s part of our mission statement that we support evolving musicians,” says Joanne Pearson of the WMC. 

With $11,500 presented to six outstanding applicants, there is certainly plenty of support to go around, including the top prize WMC Scholarship of $3000. 

“There is a lot of supportive money out there waiting for some instrumentalists and vocalists to give us an application and audition,” says Pearson. 




Open to Manitoba-born or based musicians, applicants typically range in age from 17 to 27 for instrumentalists and 29 for vocalists, often pursing post-secondary studies in music. 

Younger applicants can submit, though the final decision will be at the discretion of the review committee. 

“We do take into judgement some requests for people that are younger,” says Pearson, noting some applicants have been as young as 15. 

Applications take place online, with a $50 fee due as part of the completed form. 

Taking as many as 20 applications per year, the selected musicians will perform in person for a panel on May 14, 2022. 

To register for the WMC Scholarship competition, visit: www.wmcwpg.ca 
